Nezir Zahirović

Visual Studio 2012 freeze at start up after updating Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 - November 2014 Update - SOLVED!!

I spent 15 hours in the last three days trying to fix this strange problem. I have two versions of Visual Studio installed on my laptop VS 2012 and VS 2013 both versions had last updated with today's date 11/16/2014. 

Before three days, after I started my VS 2013 version there was some  new updates of these three packages:
 - Microsoft Azure Tools for Visual Studio 2013,
 - Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools 2013,
 - Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 - November 2014 Update. 

So I updated and after that I tried to start my VS 2012 version and got an error!

As you can see on two screen shots above VS 2012 freezes at start up

Everything is unresponsive. So I started to search for a fix. I spent around 15 h until find solution. On stackoverflow there are some fixes for similar problems but the only thing that helps me with my issue are notes for starting the IDE with these two CMD commands:
devenv /ResetSkipPkgs 
devenv.exe /SafeMode 

Especially last command devenv.exe /SafeMode which I used for starting the IDE in safe mode so I could try to disable or uninstall some of 'Extensions and Updates' from 'TOOLS' menu.

After uninstalling two of these updates and re-installing VS 2012 Ultimate Update 4. I had the same problem again. 

I did tried some other solution but unsuccessfully...

At the end these steps fix my problem: 
- Uninstall 'Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 
- November 2014 Update' 
- I restarted my PC 
- Started up VS 2012 with devenv.exe /Safe Mode command 
- Go to 'Tools' -> 'Extensions and Updates' and uninstall all extensions. 
- Started VS 2012 as Administrator. 

After these steps  VS 2012 start functioning like before.

Maybe I will have some problems with uninstalled extensions but for me in this time its important that VS 2012 is running like before.

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